Notebook workflows

When working in a notebook (These tips assume Pluto, but will apply at least in part to other similar environments), there's a number of options to incorporate latexifications.

As a first principle, any cell that returns a single LaTeXString (or a string surrounded by $ in general) will be displayed as math:

latexify(35e-9; fmt=FancyNumberFormatter())

\[3.5 \cdot 10^{-8}\]

@latexify (3x + 45)/2y

\[\frac{3 \cdot x + 45}{2 \cdot y}\]

There's a visual bug in Pluto where any expression looking like an assignment is printed with extra unnecessary information. To avoid this, encase such in a begin/end block:

    @latexrun x = 125

\[x = 125\]

    @latexdefine y = x

\[y = x = 125\]

One very nice workflow is to use Markdown.parse to embed latexifications in markdown text. Note that md"" does not work very well for this, as the dollar signs signifying math mode will clash with those signifying interpolation. In parse, you need to escape special characters like backslashes, but since we're using Latexify we don't need to write very many of those anyway.

## Results

With the previously calculated 
$(@latexdefine x), we can use
$(@latexify x = v*t) to calculate
$(@latexrun v = x/10), giving a final
velocity of $(latexify(v)).

If we want more manual control, we can
combine manual dollar signs with
`env=:raw`: \$ \hat{v} =
$(latexify(v, env=:raw))\;\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s} \$


With the previously calculated $x = 125$, we can use $x = v \cdot t$ to calculate $v = \frac{x}{10}$, giving a final velocity of $12.5$.

If we want more manual control, we can combine manual dollar signs with env=:raw: $ \hat{v} = 12.5\;\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s} $